Małgorzata Kornecka-Drąg

Małgorzata Kornecka-Drąg – MaKaDo is an artist-painter as well as a conservator of works of fine art, landscape gardener, interior designer and recently an animation painter. She is fascinated by colour, so her paintings are all about it. Her work seeks a perfect balance between shape and line, with smooth areas in contrast to harsh space.  She is now trying to transform into her paintings the feelings, emotions and vibrations that she finds in music and dance. 


Małgorzata graduated from the Academy of Fine Art in Krakow with a MA diploma in Conservation and Restoration of works of Fine Art. She has participated in a few group exhibitions and an individual exhibiiton  “Removed from the easel”.


‘The project was an opportunity for me to push my skills further in orders to improve the movement of painted people in my work. My experience in conservation was also useful for finding the right colour and mimicing the style of van Gogh. Meeting so many talented people with different points of view in art inspired me to make new things.’



You thought that his death and my life were linked?
Lieutenant Milliet says I should enlist.
Funny thing that


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