Privacy Policy

In light of the new changes to data privacy policy laws, Loving Vincent Sp. z.o.o who is responsible for any data you've shared with us in the past and now, would like to remind you that your data is being used in a secure manner, in accordance to the user agreements that were established.

In regard to the above, we would like to inform you of the forthcoming changes to data privacy laws. The changes result from the need to regulate our data management methods in order to comply with the new laws set by the european General Data Protection Regulation.

If you do not agree to the use of your data when you are subscribing to the newsletter (or you already subscribed),we ask you to contact us with such a request to:


Information about the use of your data:

- The administrator of your data is the company Loving Vincent Sp. z.o.o. with its headquarters in Sopot, Poland

- Your data is used electronically for the purpose of marketing and sales

- The data we received from you was under your consent

- Your data will not be shared with any party who is not authorised to see it, in accordance with the law

- You have the right to request your data from us or to make changes to the information we hold

- You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your data


We inform you that Loving Vincent Sp. z.o.o., only when you are subscribing to our newsletter, holds data consisting of your name, your surname, your email and your country.

By clicking on the button "Subscribe" - you agree to our Privacy Policy.


Your personal data is used in order to carry out business communication, including marketing uses.

Your personal data will continue being used until your decision to withdraw your consent to the use of your data. If in the future you wish to withdraw your consent, we ask you to contact us with such a request to:

You also have the right to file a complaint to the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data , if you think that  the use of your data is being carried out in a way that violates the data privacy law.


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