Robert Gulaczyk stars as Vincent van Gogh

Robert is a Polish theatre actor with Modjeska Theatre in Legnica, one of Poland’s greatest theatres, renowned for its depth of acting talent. His experience includes almost 40 roles in professional theatre productions. Two years ago he received a phone call saying that as he looked like Vincent van Gogh, the first time anyone had ever mentioned this fact, he had to go and audition that same day for a lead role on an international feature film. Having spoken barely any English since leaving school Robert was bemused when he was immediately whisked into costume and make up, and had to read out Vincent’s letters in English. That was the start of a great journey of discovery into the life and works of Vincent van Gogh. Robert considers himself a lucky guy because he loves his job, and now he is loving Vincent too.



“One day I would like to show by my work what this nobody, this non-entity, has in his heart.”

Douglas Booth stars as Armand Roulin

Robert Gulaczyk stars as Vincent van Gogh

Eleanor Tomlinson stars as Adeline Ravoux

Jerome Flynn stars as Doctor Paul Gachet

Saoirse Ronan stars as Marguerite Gachet

Chris O'dowd stars as Postman Joseph Roulin

John Sessions stars as Pere Tanguy

Aidan Turner stars as The Boatman

Helen McCrory stars as Louise Chevalier

James Greene stars as Old Man

Bill Thomas stars as Dr Mazery

Martin Herdman stars as Gendarme Rigaumon

Robin Hodges stars as Lieutenant Milliet

Josh Burdett stars as Zouave

Holly Earl stars as La Mousme

Joe Stuckey stars as Idiot Boy


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